Old Springhouse in Pensylvania, in watercolor and pancil
by Forrest C. Greenslade, PhD |
Painter and sculptor
Forrest Greenslade is the featured artist at historic Pittsboro's
Joyful Jewel for May. There will be an
Opening Party at the Joyful Jewel on Friday, May 4th from 6 to 8 PM,
and his art will
continue to be specially featured throughout the month of May. Join fellow art-lovers for an evening of refreshments and music by well-loved guitarist Joey Howell. and view works by over 100 local artists, including Greenslade..
Organic Forrestry is inspired by his life-long love of nature. "I was that kid who could always be found in an old stream bed, turning over rocks to see what wonders I could discover," he explaines. This curiosity led Dr. Greenslade to a life as a molecular biologist and organizational executive. "Now in my dotage, I am back turning over rocks, and painting and sculpting the wonders that nature reveals to me." he smiles.
Greenslade's use of materials is eclectic -- metal, concrete, wood, clay, camvas and paint.. "I use whatever media helps me tell my stories," he stresses. I'm having more fun than any old guy deserves".
For more information and directions visit the
Joyful Jewel Website