Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Greenslade's Garden GoblinFest

In October 2011, artist Forrest Greenslade worked with the staff of the North Carolina Botanical Garden at GoblinFest. Dr. Greenslade and his Goblin Munchkins taught 20 kids, aged 4 to 10, and their parents to create Goblin masks from concrete, found natural materials, and recycled stuff. The kids made some amazing artwork, which was exhibited in the Wonder Garden, a place where kids of all ages can explore and imagine at the Botanical Garden. For more about our Botanical Garden visi:t http://www.ncbg.unc.edu/. For photos of the kids in action, visit: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2585123680473.129570.1625955537&type=3

Caption: Forrest teaching kids to create goblins from glop. Photo by Elisha Taylor, NC Bot Gdn

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